Opening Hours
Our normal hours are:
We are open: Monday to Friday (closed on public holidays)
from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm, closed for lunch and reopen 12:30 pm to 3:00 pm.
A Brief Overview of What we do
Our Services:
Tuesday Friendship Club; Meals on Wheels; Appointment Driver
Nurse Maude continence supplies; Brolly (Continence) Sheets; Mobility Equipment for Hire
Educational Seminars; Conversational English (currently on hold)
Exercise, Walking and Cycling Groups:
Exercise group – Monday, Thursday and Friday morning at Lincoln University Recreation Centre.
Walking groups – Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday morning
Cycling group – Tuesday afternoon
Room Hire:
We have a number of rooms, in the Community Care building available for hire.
We welcome donations to enable us to provide services to our community.