Spring Fling 2018

A beautiful day in a wonderful garden.  Lots of stalls to choose from and coffee to go – read more

Spring Fling

From the Plot to the Pot Workshops

Tips and Tricks from a Master Chef : 6 August 2018

Ben from The Laboratory  http://www.thelaboratory.co.nz/ showed participants how to make the perfect poached egg, cook a juicy and tender steak as well as make some delicious bread.



Bugs in our Backyard : 24 February 2018

Children learning about bugs.
Children learning about bugs.
Mike showing some samples
Mike showing some samples.

Learning to Sew for Internationals

Mai’s First Sewing Achievement

<img class="alignnone size-full wp-image-321" src="https://lincolncomcare.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/Dolys-handbag-and-crocheted-flower.jpg" alt="Dolys' handbag and crocheted flower" width="260" height=""260
Doly’s handbag


Many wonderful things were created in the various classes in 2017.

Careens elephant

Careens elephan

Ready to add the trim

Ready to add the trim

Class of 2017

Class of 2017